How much does FormulaBerry cost?
FormulaBerry is free to sign up and try. Free plans receive 5 credits per calendar month. This means they can generate or explain up to 5 Excel or Google Sheets formulas every month. Perfect for light users. Paid plans are $9/month or $79/year and...
What languages does FormulaBerry support?
While our website is in English, you can change the Generator language in the Settings menu, so formulas will get explained in another language. We currently support: English German French Spanish If you would like to get formulas explained in ano...
How accurate are formulas generated with FormulaBerry?
We've tested FormulaBerry extensively with great results. FormulaBerry uses the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technology to generate the best results for your formulas. However, the results heavily depend on the input. Make sure to give clea...